The annual staff and VIP’s luncheon is today, so I’ve been busy this morning getting my Vegetables and Hummus ready. I have yet to finish up the dessert, so that’s another thing I need to do.
I thought my Readers might be interested to see how I go about creating this festive vegetable platter. Plus, the dish is healthy teeming with good for you fresh vegetables.
Vegetables and Hummus
The first thing I usually do, is to find the appropriate dish or dishes plus serving utensils. I, actually, have a large variety of things I can use for this. The first order of business, is to wash out the selected dishes since they are dusty.
I decided to use this blue small bowl and two mini clear bowls. The festive spreader was a gift many years ago. Unfortunately, I did not have a red bowl for the hummus, so I decided to use this blue one. Actually, the hummus container I purchased is a perfect fit for this blue bowl. The two smaller bowls are going to be used for black olives and almonds. Because the main white dish is large, it can hold quite a few things. Now, I have to carry this to the holiday party but the edge around the dish will help prevent things from sliding off.

The next step is to start to place the fresh vegetables in the dish. Vegetables are easy to place, if something doesn’t look right, then mixed them around a bit.
How to Make a Fresh Vegetables and Hummus Dip Platter
So, depending on the size of your serving bowl or tray, use a small variety of different vegetables. First, be sure to wash all vegetables. Then, peel and slice the cucumber, carrots and celery. For a special look, the cucumber was sliced in round slices.
The almonds were added to one small bowl and the black olives were placed in the other bowl.
Lastly, the platter was garnished with fresh Rosemary sprigs. Also, I thinly sliced one or two radishes over the hummus bowl. Then, dried parsley flakes and dill was sprinkled over the entire dish.

Listing of Ingredients in Vegetables and Hummus Platter
- Savory Almonds, Roasted and Salted, 1.5 ounce size
- Ripe Pitted Medium Black Olives
- Mini Peppers, Wild Wonder, Red Rouge and Orange Orange colors
- Organic Celery, about four stalks
- Organic Radishes, one bunch, ends and tops cut off
- Cucumber, one peeled and sliced
- Whole Carrots, about four, peeled and sliced
- Grape Tomatoes
- Hummus, one container of store purchased brand
- Sprigs of Rosemary
- Dried Parsley and Dill, sprinkling

Ending Notes on Vegetable and Hummus Blog
In conclusion, the vegetable and hummus platter came together quickly. The multiple colors, a treat for the eyes, is a win for those on holiday diets.
However, with so many other goodies to consume at the party, unfortunately, a lot of these vegetables came back home with me. Next time, I’m thinking different party foods.