Today we are going to blog about replacing a split rail fence post which was leaning off to one side.
We are also replacing most of the rusted wire backing on this fence.
Years ago, this split rail fencing was approved by our home owner’s association so we need to maintain it or get something else approved.
This fencing is a little old fashion and I don’t think a lot of home owners are using it anymore. The split rails can, also, be difficult to line up to fit the posts.
The method for replacing this post would be the same for any type of posting. It’s a project requiring hard labor, so be sure you are up for the task.
If you want to hire a fencing company for the job, many companies have automatic post drillers.
When digging up the old fence post by hand, it helps to wet the area around the fence post base. Wet soil is easier to dig.
Allow at least a day ahead for the water to sink in to soften the soil around the post.

For this project, you will need a post digger, (see above photograph), a shovel, a digging bar, a carpenter’s level, and work gloves.
We were lucky, because this fence post was not cemented in the ground.
Use a “dig and wiggle” approach to get out the old fence post.
Then dig the hole a bit deeper and insert the new post.
Unfortunately, our old fence post broke below the soil line.
The broken part had to be dug out and removed since we were using the same hole.
With split rail fences, the rails fit almost exactly. If you move a post a little then the split rails might not fit in to the holes on both sides.
Also, be sure to check with the level to make sure the new post is even before you totally fill the post’s hole in with dirt.

After the post is securely in the ground, then add the wire fence backing.
The wire fencing backing was nailed to the back of the split rail fence using small U-shaped nails and a hammer.
Lots of sweat equity in this project but a good fence is priceless.
Completed Split Rail Fence Post Project

This photograph shows the completed project.
Notice the new fence post. The split rail fence line is now completely straight.
Disposing of Rusty Wire Fence Backing

When disposing of rusty wire fencing, it helps to fold it up into a neat package.
You can press it together but be careful not to jab yourself with a piece of the wire.
This wire package will also fit nicely into the garbage bin.