The sun came out today, so I decided to take a walk through my garden to see what needs to be done come this spring.
I have quite a few projects I want to accomplish, so I made a Spring Garden To-Do List.
I think organizational tips about doing one thing at a time, also work great with gardening chores.
After completing one item on your garden to-do list, it will spark your energy to do more. Then, tackle the next item on your to-do list.

The first thing I want to take care of is to update this back garden gate lock.
At first glance it seems to be sturdy but I’m not sure how sturdy the handles and chain are.
I would feel better with things being more secure with perhaps a longer wooden bar on the gate.
I’ll have to check online and see what fencing hardware is available for this job.
I also had some late last minute pruning done on a couple of pine trees in my yard.
The pine branches are stacked in the yard and need to be disposed of during yard waste pickup.
Not a big chore, but the branches are too large for the trash container so they need to be cut down.

The large pine tree in this photograph has definitely seen better days.
It is huge but it also has lots and lots of large roots at the surface.
When running the lawn mower, the roots always present an issue.
I’m thinking it is also too close to my house in case it falls during a wind storm.
It might need to be removed but, of course, lots of thought goes into any tree removal and it is also rather expensive to do.

Fence Art
I love hanging fence art on my long wooden fence. See above photograph.
I’m looking at these wrought iron decorations with a critical eye thinking they need to be refreshed in some manner.
The two matching objects are actually andirons from a fireplace set which do not sit flush against the fence. I have them attached to the fence with a couple of black iron plant holders.
It might be time to go shopping for something new which will look a little neater on the fencing.

This large wire wreath is also part of my fence art gallery.
At one time it was attractive with lots of pine cones over it.
Slowly, and with a little help from the squirrels, the pine cones have fallen off the wiring.
Now I need to think about wiring something else to it or trashing it.
This photograph shows a homemade wooden bench. Many of the benches in my yard were made out of wood scraps.
The one edge is uneven and should be sawed off for a neater appearance. The bench also needs a fresh coating of outdoor paint.
It is nice to sit on this bench for a few minutes while taking a break.
I’ve also taken out art projects to work on while sitting on this bench since it doesn’t matter if I get a little glue on it.

I’m off to an early start evaluating my garden and lining up some of the garden projects.
It is very helpful to have a Spring Garden To-Do List so you can see where your yard needs immediate attention.
Thanks for your comment on having a healthy dog. I see you are reading one of our older blogs on Halloween costumes. Does your dog dress up for Halloween? Have a wonderful day.
Charlie B.,
Thanks for your comment regarding the order of blog postings. On Farmhouse Magic Blog, our most recent postings come first. Of course, with other blogs that is entirely up to the blogger and what they want their Readers to see first. It is usually pretty easy to change the order of postings. Have a wonderful week.
Thanks for the comment, however, I couldn’t read it since it wasn’t in English. Good luck with things, and have a great new year.