The Snow Fort

The Snow Fort

So, there is no better time to reminisce about a long-ago built Snow Fort than on a snowy night. Hopefully, this will be our last big snowstorm of the season. I’m ready as I had a bunch of groceries delivered yesterday. Let it snow, I say.

Now, back to the Snow Fort, right?

The Makings of a Snow Fort

Of course, the main thing one needs to build a snow fort is lots and lots of snow. No, you don’t need a carrot for the nose, coal for the eyes or even a top hat. Mainly, you need a small shovel, a sand pail, and lots of cold-weather endurance.

It starts out innocently enough as you shovel the extra snow off the sidewalk and driveway and on to the lawn area. Really, it also helps it is a snow day off from school, so you’ll have lots of time to work on the project. Since the weather is cold and snowy, you need lots of warm up breaks too, so better to have some hot chocolate and cookies ready in the warm house.

What to Wear While Building the Snow Fort?

Speaking from the voice of experience, a snow suit works best. You’ll need a warm one preferably one you use for skiing. You will also need mittens, waterproof if you have them, and a warm hat for your head. Most of all you need waterproof boots. Nothing is worse than wet socks and boots. When you go into the house for those breaks, place the boots somewhere warm so they can dry off. I put them over the heat register on the floor.

I notice now they sell long gloves and vests which are heated with batteries. These work great if you have to work in cold weather for long periods of time. I noted the heated gloves were used for an ice-skating monitor position and the vests were worn for a frigid holiday lights program.

The below photograph shows the exact location of the snow fort. It was right above that mailbox on the lawn area.

The Snow Fort
Nighttime Snow, Photo 2-12-2025

How to Build the Snow Fort

Now to build the actual snow fort. The first part is to build up the walls, pack the snow as best as you can. Be sure to leave one side open so you can get in. We also used a plastic snow block making tool with a top handle. This made rectangular blocks of snow, sort of brick like looking. For some reason, our snow fort had a little bit of ceiling to it looking almost like an igloo.

Once it is built, now the fun begins. You can go into the snow fort to escape snowball fights. It is also warmer in the snow fort since the sides keeps some of the winter winds away. OK, there are not really a lot of uses for the snow fort. But you can be sure it will be the last thing to melt away on your lawn once the snowstorm is over with.

Ending Comments

In conclusion, everyone needs to build and man a storm fort at least once in your lifetime.

It’s not often you get to go back to earlier era with lots of time on your hands and be creative with a free resource–snow.

So, enjoy those childhood adventures and happy snow days to everyone out there.


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