This week I was working on a special assignment for one of my volunteer positions to take photographs of The Great Z.
No that’s not his real name, but his stage name. I was only going to spend a few minutes there, but he was so amusing, I watched his entire show.
Comedy and Magic Show
The Great Z. is mainly a children’s show but, as an adult, I enjoyed it too. I imagine he is big on the children’s birthday party circuit. The venue I attended was at a local park under a covered pavilion. Due to all the rain that day, I expected few people to show up, however, I was wrong about that. The entire covered area was full of children of various ages, mainly sitting on the floor. It looked like a few summer camp-type programs, also, came to see the show.
The Great Z. started out with his magic wand popping its top, which immediately brought lots of laughs from the audience. Later in the show, he introduced a huge blow up wand which he tried to hide behind his back.
There was the usual pulling scarves out of his mouth, and tricks with quick hands. At one point the whole audience had to sing twinkle, twinkle, little star to get the magic to work. There was also the magical remote control. When the blue button was pressed, the Great Z. froze.

Ending Comments on the Great Z.
I loved the fact there was a lot of audience participation, with people selected to help out with a trick, stand up, or say a magic word.
One little boy went up the the Great Z. with both hands in the air, so cute. I’m thinking he got away from his mom for a few minutes and wanted to see what was happening up close. However, I’m not sure why he decided to raise both his arms.
Would definitely recommend this funny, fast moving, entertaining program to all. I left with a smile on my face and a magical trick up my sleeve.
NOTE: Instead of calling cards, he gives out a postcard at the end of his presentation to anyone who wants one. Thanks!