Sully District is a planned community but not a city in itself.
The above and side photographs shows a grouping of professional buildings on a small lake.
Most of the offices belong to dentists and other professionals.

Sully takes its name from the Sully Historic Site more commonly known at the Sully Plantation. It is in the National Register of Historic Places.

This marble slab dealer is in the Sully District and has samples of his marble slabs outside of the store.
In this area, there are quite a few places that sell marble for kitchen and bathroom counter tops plus other industrial type businesses.

The Sully Station shopping center has had a lot of businesses come and go.
For years this was the location of a grocery store, a craft store, and a fabric store. The fabric store sold a lot of heavy duty fabric for redoing furniture or custom made accent pillows.
This photograph shows a strip type shopping center for businesses.

That ends of tour of the historic Sully District area of town.
I have also included this summer time flag which is bright and zappy.
As we experience the last weeks of summer, enjoy the summer sun, red tomatoes from the garden, and family BBQ’s.