This time of year, I love to think about planting the garden with springtime seeds. It’s interesting to browse through the many packages of fresh seeds in my local garden center. It is almost like going to the library and seeing what you “want to check out” or in this case, grow.
The below photograph shows an assortment of seed potatoes.

The year we purchased lettuce, cucumbers, and zucchini seeds for our garden. Lettuce and cucumbers always do nicely. This is the first year we are growing zucchini. In the summer, we like zucchini cut into strips and placed on the grill for a few minutes. So, we’ll see how our zucchini crop grows.
Non-GMO Vegetable Seeds
I always find the non-GMO items to be a little confusing, so please don’t quote me on anything on this blog.
GMO means genetically modified organisms. Non-GMO seeds are those that have not been genetically modified in a laboratory. Simply genetically modified seeds are seeds whose genetic material has been altered to produce certain results.

This non-GMO section of vegetables includes onions and horseradish root.
Flower Seeds in Springtime Seeds
I noticed in the flower seed section they are selling Four O’ Clock flower seeds or Mirabilis jalapa. I remember growing these years ago. Mainly, my flowers were dark purple in color. Occasionally I would get a yellow flower. These plants like full sun and grow best in USDA Zones 7-10. The plants self-seed. For me, they came up year after year.
Four O’ Clock flowers get their name because the flowers of this plant do not open until late in the day.
This store has a big selection of flower seeds to select from.

Ending Notes on Springtime Seeds
A word of caution here, just because you have purchased your garden seeds, that doesn’t mean they are ready to be planted in the soil. You need to check to make sure they are being planted at the right time of the year.
If in doubt, check online or at your local garden center. Nothing is sadder than to have none of your seeds come up because of a cold spell.
So, best of luck with your seed purchases, and I’m looking forward to digging in the dirt.
Warmer Days Ahead!
Thank you to Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to photograph and to blog about their store.
All items photographed (seeds) for today’s blog can be found at Merrifield Garden Center.

Resource Sites: Wikipedia