I guess we are all getting a little anxious for spring, but the topic of Spring has Sprung is a little premature. Even here at Farmhouse Magic Blog, we are counting the days until spring.
Spring has Sprung at Merrifield Garden Center
Today we are checking out all the spring blooms at Merrifield Garden Center. In the photograph below, we see a photograph of purple and green shamrock plants with delicate white flowers.
A grouping of the shamrocks on a table would be perfect for St. Patrick’s Day.

This indoor wooden table is filled with an assortment of spring flowers ready to burst into a riot of color.
Behind that table, several wooded garden trellises line the walls.

Warmer Days Ahead, so get out your Garden Gloves.

Hanging Ferns
Inside one of the greenhouses is a long row of hanging ferns. I actually saw another person taking photographs of the hanging ferns thinking that’s a great idea.
The greenhouse’s clear ceiling over the ferns, floods the photograph with warm light.

The photograph on the right, shows a trio of Boston ferns.
Ending Comments on Spring has Sprung Blog
The below center photograph shows a variety of bunnies, books, eggs, and flowers relating to spring and Easter.
The fluffy yellow chicks in the basket near the bottom of the photograph are adorable. They actually also look like real spring chicks.
Soon spring and the baby chicks will be here.

Dates to Remember: St. Patrick’s Day is March 17, 2022 & the First Day of Spring is March 20, 2022.
A Special Thank You to Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to blog and take photographs of their Gardens.
All items on today’s blog are available for purchase at Merrifield Garden Center.