No Peeing on Lawns Signs
As I was out strolling in my rich and classy neighborhood, I was racking my brain to find something to blog about today.
Why not? OK, not my usual topic but we all need solutions to that neighborhood dog who does his “business” on your lawn causing it to turn yellow and the flowers to die.
These “No Peeing” on lawn signs solves a delicate neighborhood problem. The signs are, of course, for dog owners to read.

This neighborhood must really have some wayward dogs because this is the second sign on the same street.
This looks like a store purchased resin stone sign. It’s a little grown over, but you can still read it.

Tree Stump Camouflage
A second neighborhood lawn problem of camouflaging tree stumps has been handled with various degrees of success.
This large white planter with colorful flowers does a nice job of drawing your eyes upward away from the tree stump.

This photograph also shows a good camouflage solution to a large tree stump.
This terracotta planter has small wedges placed on the bottom so that the planter sits evenly on the tree stump.
This pink plastic flamingo is a good try but I think it could use some flowers in the crock behind it.
However, I do love the use of retro pink flamingos.

This last option is perhaps the simplest.
This tree stump was covered with dirt and then sod.
To me, the new grass looks a bit sparse in areas.
I hope I have given you some great ideas about what to do about that stump in your yard.
Bonus Photograph
I walked by this street chalk art which appears to be done by children.
It is interestingly “signed” by the palm impressions left from small chalk covered hands.
I hope you enjoyed my walk through the neighborhood.

I’m glad you are enjoying the information on our life style blog. Enjoy the moment and have a great day!
It’s great you are helping your room mate find art work in secondhand stores. Don’t forget to check out yard sales. Years ago, I found two great signed by the artist lithographs for only a dollar each. I recently had them appraised and they now retail at $250 each. Good Luck.
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