The above photograph of the Snowdrop flowers was taken by Trail Diva, one of our faithful Readers.
She noticed these lovely bell shaped flowers while walking on the trail. She thought that perhaps they washed out of someone’s yard and started to grow.
This is the first sign of spring that she has noticed in her area of the country.
Earlier in the week the Snowdrops were flat on the ground but temperature was only 18 degrees Fahrenheit. When the week warmed up, the Snowdrops were standing upright again.
Snowdrop flowers, or Gallathes, are often the first blooms we see in the spring. They will bloom even if there is snow on the ground.
The name Gallathese means “milk flower.” There are approximately 20 wild species in the world and the plant grows from small bulbs. The plant is poisonous to humans. I guess some people mistakenly ate the bulbs thinking they were wild onions.
Each stem is about 3 to 6-inches tall and produces only one white flower.
If you look inside a white bloom, you will notice a green strip. This helps the bees find the nectar.
Snowdrops are a great flower to help us forget winter and think of spring.

Thank you for the nice compliment. Do you like Snowdrop flowers? Enjoy the day.