Today’s blog photographs were submitted by one of our readers from the state of Pennsylvania.
For obvious reasons, our reader was unable to get closer photographs of “Pepe” a skunk who likes to visit her bird feeder during the evening hours.

“Pepe” likes to eat the seeds and other bird treats which fall from the bird feeder.
There is quite a bit of competition for the bird feeder seeds as there is also a squirrel who comes by.
Our reader loves to provides treats for all her wild birds and for her other forest friends.
For Your Information
At first I thought this skunk looked like an American Hog-Nose skunk. However, upon on doing additional research, it is probably a striped skunk with a lot of white in its coloration.
Striped skunks grow to be about 22 to 32 inches long.
If any of our Readers can help us to identify this skunk or want to share an interesting wild life story, please drop us a line. Thanks from Farmhouse Magic
Kathy and Candel,
Thanks for the comments. However, I’m struggling with the German to English translations. I would never post anything I am not absolutely 100 percent sure of the meaning. Take care of yourself and stay healthy.