This week, Farmhouse Magic Blog was shopping for inexpensive picture frames. I wasn’t sure this was possible as I remember spending quite a bit of money on frames in the past.
Local Craft Store
I first went to the local arts and craft store to check out their frame selection.
It was interesting because the sales associate working in the framing center, said that all their frames are made of composite materials. Only the custom made frames are still made out of wood.
I need seven inexpensive frames so custom ordering the frames is not an option. I was looking for four 8 x 10 inch and three 16 x 20-inch frames with white matting.
Frame Selection
I’ve done a little online research on the topic on framing and matting to see what works with colorful abstract work.
For abstract art work, usually a simple black frame works best with white matting. You also don’t want an overly ornate frame to pull your eye away from the painting.
For gallery sales, I read to go with black and white frame colors. Most often those two colors will match with a person’s home colors so they will purchase the art work. I kept all this in mind while out shopping.
Frame/Mat Considerations for Abstract Artwork
- Always remember, the frame should accent your artwork.
- Don’t match your frame with your wall color or the artwork will look heavy.
- Determine the number of mats needed – This will vary with the artwork.
- Mat Width – A wide painting and frame will make your room look larger.
- Mat Color – Bold or bright colors can, at times, overpower artwork.
- Gallery of Paintings – To unite a group of paintings on a wall, use the same mat width.
Extra Framing Tips
If you want to add a mat other than white, be sure the color doesn’t clash with the painting. Bold matting colors tend to draw the viewer’s eyes away from the painting.
Some people want the mat color to match a particular room but be careful with this because you don’t want the painting to become secondary to the mat color.
Never select the major color in the painting to go with the mat. It will become overpowering. Go with a secondary color. You will have to study your painting to determine the secondary colors.
Frame Shopping Results In Shopping for Inexpensive Picture Frames
I found two black frames in the arts and crafts store. I also took a trip to secondhand store with a tape measure and found a couple of additional frames I could use.
OK, one frame was gold, but the artwork looked nice in it, so I am going to use it.
I spent under $25 for all four 8 x 10-inch frames, so I’m thinking that is keeping within my budget. The cheapest secondhand frame was only $2 and the most expensive was $8. To use the frames from the secondhand store, I removed the artwork and inserted my paintings.
Now to locate three more large frames. I’ll keep my readers posted on my framing quest.
Selecting a good frame and mat will add to the appeal of your artwork. Hopefully, this will translate into more money for each painting sold.

Update for Shopping for Inexpensive Picture Frames Blog
3-7-22 UPDATE: I was able to find a buy-one get-one half price frame at a craft store. That left me with one frame to buy.
I purchased a watercolor painting in the right size frame for $8. Unfortunately, I broke the glass when taking the painting out. The frame was also way too bendable for my purposes. I tossed that frame in the trash since it was pretty worthless and a waste of eight dollars.
I returned to another secondhand store and got another wooden gold tone frame for $3. OK the price was right for this.
Now to see if art paintings in gold toned frames sell as well as the paintings in black frames.
4-17-22 UPDATE: All the abstract art is framed and is ready for the showing.
I ended up switching a couple of paintings as the one slightly green matting was too overpower for one painting.
So now I like the way the gallery of paintings is framed and I’m ready to sell them all. Only need to opportunity to sell them all for good prices.
Wish us lots of luck on the sales!, and online sources were used to research today’s topic.