Reston Town Center
I took a trip to Reston Town Center today to see what’s new. The above crayon picture was done by my son and I believe it is Reston.
Reston Town Center always has something going on or a new store going in.
I noticed a new store which I hadn’t noticed before–a soap bar. Being curious as to what a soap bar is, I went closer to look in the window.
It looked to be a place where you could make your own bar of perfumed soap with some type of class experience.
Perhaps they serve wine during the class?

I also visited my favorite gourmet shopping store and noticed this Oysters, Clams, and Mussels display case.
The case was unusual in that there was a constant flow of water over the front of the shellfish inside .
It really reminded one of the ocean. All the seafood looked super fresh.
I love how festive the food in this deli case looks.
They use fresh rosemary, finely sliced green onions, cheese gratings, fresh thyme, and fresh lemon slices to garnish the food offerings.

Today I noticed a new towering piece of art work. At first I thought it was some type of children’s play area but realized it was too high to be anything like that.
The placement is not complete so I’m wondering if there is more to install.
The sculpture has a couple of gigantic clothespins on it which are part of the art work.
As always, I had a great morning at Reston Town Center.