Ok, so I’ve been off line for awhile; it’s been Rest and Recovery time for me. Over the holidays I, somehow, came down with something. Let’s see, I really didn’t go anywhere I could have caught something or did I?
Places I went with Large Numbers of People
- Church
- Holiday Party
- Puppet Show, yes, Farmhouse Magic Blog, attended a puppet show with a famous Master Puppeteer. You never know where blogdom takes you.
- Lots of Coffee Shops
- Holiday Grocery Shopping
- Town Center
Things I Learned About Rest and Recovery
While laying in bed, drinking lots of fluids, I time to reflect on things, Here is what I learned.
- The bedroom windows are completely dusty and dirty. Note, I already got out the cleaner and wiped them up a bit.
- The TV screen is also very dusty and dirty.
- When not feeling well, I can sleep through the mind piercing electric fire alarm. Yes, this went off as my caretaker was preparing a meal. Don’t ask about that one.
- You can spend a lot of time looking for the missing remote control if you need to. But, of course, it is usually under the covers or the bed. Yes, that is exactly where I found it.
- I enjoy the same old movies, time and time, again.
- Not everyone knows how to fold towels into thirds to fit into my closet or that the dryer’s lint filter needs to be cleaned out on a regular basis.
Meal Plans
- Toast – Don’t try to re-toast your toast, it will only burn.
- Fresh Shrimp is not good on the stomach when you not eating much.
- Eating sunny orange sherbet always makes me feel better.
Ending Notes on Rest and Recovery Blog
So, I’m feeling much better now and glad things worked out. Would I want to go through that again? No, no way, but I’m glad that’s done with and I can move forward once again.
A special thank you to my caretaker during my five days of being in bed or confined to the bedroom. (Smile) Also, thank you to all those medical professionals who work on holidays and weekends.