Today I am blogging about part of my refrigerator magnet collection.
Some of my collection is quite old and goes back some years.
It is nice to have a few refrigerator magnets to hold up a shopping list or a needed phone number.

This is one of my favorite magnets. This brown teddy bear has lovely long eye lashes.
He was laminated but the lamination is slowly peeling away from one paw. He has been in constant use on my refrigerator for over 20 years.
The heart shaped magnet was a Valentine gift from a special someone.
The shell is not real and is very heavy. It was a gift from a relative.
The wooden strawberry has a magnet glued on the back.

I picked up the above advertising magnet about using the train to get around town.
It was free, light weight and it raises awareness about this method of transportation.
I like to use these type of magnets since they stick to the refrigerator and rarely fall off. These custom made magnets can be ordered using your own design or the design of one of the company’s graphic artists.

This last magnet is made from a Junior Mints mini box.
I picked it up in a second hand store.
It has been painted with some type of varnish. However, the varnish has started to slightly discolor.
Some people dislike the clutter of refrigerator magnets but I think they can be quite artistic, colorful and useful.
Sorry there were no incorrect spellings on the blog you mention. Yes, I’m that sure of myself. Perhaps you were thinking of another blog? Anyway, I think a bigger issue is to avoid untoward sites. Take care.