So tomorrow is our annual holiday party and I’ve volunteered to bring in a few homemade quick holiday desserts.
However, no one will ever suspect the desserts are crafted with time savings mixes and techniques.
Attractive plating and garnishing food goes a long way to keep things festive during holiday season. I really hate to see a wonderful dessert served on a white paper plate. Start a collection of attractive plates, platters, doilies, etc. for your holiday use.

Pumpkin Bread with Lemon Sugar Glaze
I initially wanted to bake a homemade cake but it is rather labor intensive and I just don’t have the time. I also want something festive and easy to carry to the party.
So I purchased a pumpkin bread and muffin mix which was made into a loaf.
To fancy things up, a sugar glaze of powered sugar, fresh lemon juice and water is crisscrossed over the top of the bread. Plus, the lemon juice adds a big of tang.
Green & Red Decorated Sugar Cookies
The sugar cookies are made from a purchased mix. All the mix needs is one egg and a stick of butter. I used a cookie scoop to get the cookies all the same size. Then, I rolled them in granulated sugar. Use the bottom of a cup to flattened them. Lastly, I sprinkled the cookies with either red or green decorative sugar before baking.
Quick Holiday Desserts & No Bakes
One of my favorites things to make around the holidays are fast no bakes. I always have chocolate flavored squares in my pantry for making chocolate bark desserts.
Marshmallow candy holiday trees are, also, so cute but there are a variety of shapes you can use. Cut the trees apart with a sharp knife. After that, thread each one on a wooden skewer. The wooden skewers can be cut down a little if they are too long. The marshmallow trees come six in a package. The last step, is separately dip each tree in melted chocolate bark. When set, use a clear cellophane bag to package.

Ending Notes of Quick Holiday Desserts
Since I did all my baking today, all I have to do is arrange the dessert items on a couple round glass trays, cover with plastic wrap and tote to the party.
I’ll do that in the morning. For now, the dessert items are in air tight plastic containers.
Also, note I’ve added a few chocolate candies to brighten things up.

Anyway, I still have to decide what festive holiday outfit to wear. Believe it or not, that’s even a bigger challenge.
Holiday Party Update 12-17-11: The holiday party was lovely, the decorations festive and the food delicious. There were two tables for the desserts and we had anything from cookies to cheese cake. One person even made a pistachio cake. The festive green cake was deliciously moist.
I wore black slacks and a matching top and a strand of long red beads.
Everyone had a great time.