I was in a fun mood, so I decided to check out some of the art pieces listed on Public Art Reston’s web site. This local organization encourages public art displays throughout Reston.
They, also, offer educational programs and information about the artwork and the artists.
Their web site has a map of all the public art works in Reston which I found very useful.

The organization keeps track of both permanently sited and temporary art projects.
At this time, I was only visiting the permanently sited art pieces.
In the next two photographs, you will notice the bike rack which is entitled “Pileated Woodpecker” by Dana Ann Scheurer. It consists of three pieces made of powder-coated steel.
A pileated woodpecker design was incorporated in to the making of the two end circles. The middle circle is of the woodpecker’s nesting site. The pieces were made in 2018.
The art work is both functional as a bike rack and yet also captivating.
The pileated woodpecker is the official bird of Reston.

I noticed this bridge on my hike through the woods at the Walker Nature Center.
The untitled foot bridge was completed in 2002 by David Robinson/Natural Edge.
The bridge was made by the Reston Association according to safety standards and the decorative trim was then added by the artist.
I think the bridge might need a little maintenance attention as some of the wood pieces look rather worn after being exposed to the elements.
This art work is entitled Memory Sundial by Wayne Hughes, architect. It is made of Ashlar bluestone and has a stainless steel gnomon.
The sundial is huge actually measuring 7-feet in diameter and tells true solar time.
It was made in 1988 and sits in front of the Walker Nature Center.

The next couple of photographs are of four Mosaic Birdhouse Poles which are located at an elementary school.
The birdhouse poles are made of various colored mosaic glass tiles and wood posts.
Apparently some of the students helped with the art project. The project was competed in 2019.
Look closely to see the fourth mosaic birdhouse in the woods.

This art piece named Stabile was made by Kevin Reese and 4th grade students in 2006.
This piece also is located at an elementary school.
The students did drawings and the artist took their art work back to his studio for inspiration.
The sculpture is made of yellow, blue, green, red painted steel.
I also decided to include this art work entitled Book of Love by Anne Nagy. It was unveiled on October 3, 2008.
It was appropriately placed in front of a local Reston Library.
It is made of painted resin and is four-feet tall.
The pages are decorated with a variety of small hearts.

For today’s blog, I loved visiting Reston and exploring the public arts.
Public Art Reston keeps information and records on all displayed art pieces which enhanced my visit to the sites.
Public Art Reston continues to work with artists to make public art available for everyone to enjoy.