Right now, planting a fall vegetable garden is on my to-do list. Our summer vegetable garden is nearing its end. This summer, we had some nice tomatoes, both cherry and regular size, lettuce and some cucumbers.
Late summer is time to think about planting a fall garden for a second harvest. I recently attended a Merrifield Garden Center virtual meeting on the subject. The information on today’s blog was taken from that seminar.
Considerations when Planting a Fall Vegetable Garden
There are a lot of variables in planting a fall vegetable garden. You need to think about the temperature and the growing season for different plants.

Cold weather plants like temperatures in the 50 to 70 degree range. Some cold weather plants are kale, spinach, lettuce, swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and cilantro.

You also need to decide if you want to sow seeds or purchase transplants. Transplants are ready to go in the soil. They generally are four to six weeks old so you get a head start on your fall garden.
Since we have been having temperatures in the warm 90 degree F. range, it is best not to plant anything that will bolt like lettuce until the cooler days come.
If you plant anything in the mustard family, like cabbage or broccoli, be prepared to spray worms and bugs with a non toxic organic pesticide.
The seminar also suggested to refresh your garden soil by adding some Bumper Crop Soil Builder. Bumper Crop, apparently, is a blend of lobster shells, manure, worm castings, kelp, peat and aged bark. It is advertised as everything your vegetable garden plants need to thrive in one bag.
I am going to buy a bag of Bumper Crop when I pick up my seedings to try it out.
Ending Notes of Blog
Enjoy your fall garden and have fun perhaps planting something you haven’t grown before.
Planting a garden is always a challenge but it is so rewarding eating your own home grown lettuce or spinach.

Are you planting a fall garden? If so, what does your garden grow?
Happy Fall Gardening from Farmhouse Magic Blog!
Update: 8-25-2021
I dug up my garden patch and added some Bumper Crop to the ground. I then raked everything until it was smooth.
Into the prepared soil went six red beet plants, three lettuce transplants, three spinach transplants and four small cloves of garlic. Then, of course, a good watering to the new plants.
I have never planted beets or garlic before, so I’m curious to see how they will do in my small garden.
This photograph shows the morning light beams falling on my newly planted red beets.
In the background you will see my cherry tomato plants.

A big thank you to Merrifield Garden Center for their interesting and informative online lecture on planting a fall garden.
Mark of Boca Raton,
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