It was a busy weekend with lots to do, however, we were able to finish mulching around our patio’s plants. For this project, we drove to our favorite garden center to purchase several bags of mulch. While there, I saw some new plants at the garden center I want to blog about.
Hand Grafted Weeping Pussy Willow Trees
The grafting of a weeping pussy willow makes a showy tree and the tag on this tree states it is “The Tree of Enchantment”.
The willow tree is a symbol of enchantment, sorcery, dreaming, and spiritual traditions.
But because the willow has flexible branches it is, also, a symbol of resilience.

The tag on the tree shows an illustration with the arched growth.
The branches of this tree arch gracefully downwards. In the spring, they are lined with large, fluffy, silver-white catkins. Catkins are long cylindrical flowers with no petals. Touching a catkin, reminds people of touching a cat since they are both super soft. So, that is how the pussy willow got its name.
I remember my mom having a weeping willow in her yard near a small pond of water. The mini pond was home to a huge bullfrog and other frogs for a number of years. The bullfrog would plop into the water if you came near the willow tree.
Apparently willow trees like lots of water, so this was a perfect spot for my mother’s tree.

If you look closely on the top tier, you will see the Weeping Pussy Willow trees in the white and red crocks.
Creamy White Hosta, New Plant at the Garden Center
The photograph of the below creamy white hosta had me looking twice. It is planted outside near the entrance of the store, but I’m not sure of the plant’s name.
Apparently in the spring, this hosta comes up looking creamy white but as the season goes on, it begins to get some green lines in the leaves. This is because the plant needs the green of the chlorophyll to grow and survive.

This unusual hosta plant measures approximately 8 to 10 inches high.
Planter Display
I enjoyed looking at this bright assortment of planters. These would make great Mother’s Day Gifts.

Yes, I like that turtle planter.
Ending Comments
The below photograph shows a patchwork of different spring colors.
So that is about our blog for today. It is always a treat to visit Merrifield Garden Center to see what’s new in the world of plants, even if we are only picking up bags of mulch.

A Big Thank you to Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to blog and take photographs of their garden center.
Resources used in this blog article include, greenalchemist, You Tube, wikipedia and