New Car 2024

Today’s blog category falls under the category of technology, because the new car 2024 is full of technologic advances. In fact, new cars are full of innovative features.

What’s New in the 2024 Car?

Keyless Entry

So, Farmhouse Magic Blog is comparing two cars of the same model, make, and approximate color. However, one car is 10 years older.

Of course, they have been making cars with keyless entry for a while, so that is really nothing new but I thought I would comment on it.

For keyless entry, you can keep the key fob in your purse and when you touch the door’s handle, the car will open for you. Then put you foot of the brake and touch the starting button and the car will start. Well the good point with this, is you will never need to get another expensive car key remade.

Year ago, I paid $450 to get a lost key retooled, plus the car needed to be in the dealer’s shop for half a day. That key ring had fallen in an automatic flush toilet and it was a hard lesson to learn. I guess you avoid all that with keyless entry but not sure how expensive a replacement key fob is.

To lock the door, press the key fob button as usual.

Automatic Parking Brake

There is also no more parking brake to pull up or down.

Now, it all does it for you automatically. One less thing to fiddle around with on a car. And, of course, no rolling down a hill if you forget to put on the parking brake.

Informational Screen in the New Car 2024

There is also an informational screen on the dash board to keep you posted on things like backing up, the weather, a radio, and everything on your cell phone.

It beeps and shows when it is safe to back up. I imagine this feature helps lots of people when it is virtually impossible to see what is behind you. Or when you are surrounded by much taller vehicles and trying to back up.

Plus, there are a bunch of sensors all over the new car to keep track of things.

According to one new car salesperson, you can never run over a person in front of your car. The car will stop automatically if it senses a person is in the way.

Boy, if I’m not mistaken, the headlights are also automatic, so you never have to turn on or dim high beams.

Comparison of Car Sizes -New Car 2023

Well, the new car 2024 seems much smaller than the decade’ old vehicle. That same car, to me, seems a foot shorter lengthwise and width. I guess for city parking, that will work out better for small parking spaces. The trunk size seems about the same.

The new 2024 gray color is darker and seems richer.

However, the new car seems lower to the ground. I, personally, hate to back in to any high cement parking lot stops.

Collusion Air Bags

The 2024 car I looked at, has nine collusion air bags. They are virtually everywhere on the car to keep the driver and the passengers safe in an accident. I’m all for any improvements in safety features.

New Car 2024 Comparison, 11-4-2023

Ending Notes on the New Car 2024

The new car 2024 is loaded with special features to make life easier, to have technology at my fingertips, and keep the driver safer.

We were able to look at one 2024 car of this type which had already been sold. In fact, there wasn’t a single available car of this popular make/type on the lot. If you want to buy this new car, there is a two to three week waiting period. However, they had lots of older model cars on the the lot.

FMB has a love/hate view of technology. Some of it is good but, it can be expensive to understand and repair. For now, I’m only thinking of how one can change the radio station.

Happy & Safe Driving and don’t forget the 2024 DC Auto Show is coming to town!

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