I made this ladybug and mushroom craft project when I was teenager.
The ladybug was super easy to do and I actually got the idea from visiting a craft boutique.
You first will need an oval or round shaped beach or stream rock for the ladybug project.

Directions for Making the Ladybug Rock
To paint the ladybug, I used black, white and red-orange craft model paint.
Paint the entire rock with the red-orange paint. Be sure to, also, paint the underside of the rock. Allow the paint to thoroughly dry.
When the red-orange paint is dry, paint one end of the rock with black paint for the head.
You will need a fine line paintbrush to draw a black line down the center for the wings.

Using the handle of the paintbrush, paint the small back dots on the wings.
When the black paint is thoroughly dry, use a dot of white paint and the handle end of the paintbrush to paint the two eyes.
Directions for Making the Mushroom
The mushroom was made by using Plaster of Paris and forming it into a mushroom shape with your hands.
You can also use white or colored Crayola Magic clay to make the mushrooms.
Don’t use too much water with the Plaster of Paris, or it will be too loose to form into a shape.
Before the mushroom is completely dry, be sure to check to see if it has kept the shape you want. You can gently correct the shape before it it totally dry.

Using model paint again, paint the dried mushroom in any color you like and allow to dry.
Using the back end of the paint brush again paint the dots on the mushroom.
For this mushroom, I used white, pink and yellow dots of paint.
For the finishing touch, I previously painted one mini rock in the shape of a ladybug.
When the paint was completely dry, I glued the mini ladybug on the cap of the mushroom using white household glue.
Be sure to add a few ladybug rocks to your garden or patio setting.
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