June 9, 2021, represents the date of Farmhouse Magic Blog’s second anniversary. Happy Anniversary to Us!
It’s been a trying year with the COVID-19 virus but salvation was found with the COVID-19 vaccines.
It was a year when we learned about scarce resources—ventilators, protective masks and gloves not to mention the wearing of plastic gloves. Some of our favorite people were doctors, nurses, first responders, grocery store workers, delivery truck drivers, teachers, etc.
We also learned to work at home, be home schooled, and use technology to keep in touch with friends.
We had significant protests and marches for Black Lives Matter and the US Capital was a site of political unrest.
Through it all, Farmhouse Magic Blog has continued with blog after blog after blog.
Some of My Favorite Blogs & Photographs from 2020-2021
Water Serpent Sculpture in Water Lilly Pond Easter 2021 Angel Statue in Reflection Garden Orange Slices, Raspberries, and Pomegranate Arils Hydrangea Plants in Bloom Orange and Gray Pumpkins Watermelon Rind on Dish View of Pond in RestonOur Number One Blog
Our number one blog with the most hits, continues to be our blog on the vintage acetylene gas generating station.
I only did this blog on a whim and never imagined it would be so popular.
Goes to show you, life is wonderful and vintage is even better.
Acetylene Gas Generating Station – 1900 circaSecond Year Notes
Readers make our site, so keep reading Farmhouse Magic Blog.com.
As always, drop us a line or two to let us know how we are doing, what’s new in your life and what your favorite blogs are.
Also, feel free to joint our Facebook page or check out our Pinterest postings.
Enjoy your day and have a wonderful FMB day!
Anniversary Cake Wine Glasses on Aluminum Tray
Trail Diva,
Thanks for congratulating us on our on Second Year Anniversary!
Thank you for your nice comments. I see that you are interested in gardening and fashion. I’m glad that you have gotten some blogging tips from me. Good luck with your fashion blog and enjoy the day.