This morning before it gets too hot, I took a walk in the neighborhood to see all the July blooms.
The landscapers were out pruning, mowing and edging the lawns into perfect symmetry. They can be a little noisy with their large mowers and leaf blowers. In particular, two or three on the same street at the same time can be quite loud.
One homeowner was having their tree’s large branches trimmed back from the house. The tree cutters had a tall ladder and an elaborate roping system set up around the tree.
July Blooms?
I was a little disappointed with the neighborhood flowering plant selection since I thought there should be more in bloom at this time of year.
I did note a few exceptions, one being this gorgeous pink oriental lily plant. It is planted along side some blackberries which are bearing fruit right now, see below photograph.

Purple Echinacea Flowers
At one time, I grew quite a few purple Echinacea flower plants in my back yard. However, over the years they have died out as I probably did not water them enough.
These flowers have a reputation of being easy to grow, vigorous, and a good plant to attract bees to your garden.
As far as July blooms goes, I noticed this plant in many yards around the neighborhood.

Ending Notes on July Blooms
Getting out of the house and walking around the neighborhood is great exercise. I enjoyed the fresh air and, of course, the July blooms.
I’ll take a different route next time to see if I can find more July blooms to share with my readers.
Hoping for August Blooms
We can also wish for more flowering plants during the month of August.
Right now, we are experiencing many heat wave in the 90 degrees range. Sometimes, it is a challenge to keep the plants watered during these hot spells. So perhaps that is one reason for fewer July blooms.