It was truly a beautiful day in the neighborhood. The weather was clear and warm. The temperature hit 79 degree out today.
I was out for a short walk in the neighborhood to see what was new.
I captured this photograph of a long row of yellow mums in bloom.
The leaves on the hosta plants are beginning to turn yellow.

My neighborhood recently held a driveway chalk coloring contest for children.
Not sure who won but the kiddos had fun drawing colorful pictures on their black top driveways.
I liked this bold chalk drawing of a girl and a caped super hero.
The super hero has raised his hand to save the day.
I like the size of his super hero boots.
Good luck super hero!

As the days, tick closer to Halloween, I’m seeing more scary decorations.
This skeleton is half out of a grave but a large super spider has a web right above his head.
Will he make it?

That pretty much sums up what’s new in my neighborhood.
Now, what’s new in your neighborhood?