The photograph on today’s blog is homegrown cucumbers fresh from my small garden patch. However, I’m not the person who usually toils in the garden with the watering, pulling weeds and harvesting the crop.
Vegetable Garden Update
But I can tell you one thing, for sure, is that we have had an abundant cucumber crop this year. Usually, we only get three to four cucumbers the whole season. But, for some reason, this year we have actually given away a few extras to others. As you can see in the photograph, the cumbers are not perfect. They have a few marks on them but these imperfections can be removed or cut off before serving. The main thing is the fresh, crispy taste of each homegrown cucumber.
For lunch everyday, we have had peeled and sliced cucumbers. We, also have them for dinner with a dash of Italian salad dressing.
Unfortunately, as things go, the tomato harvest was a bit on the skimpy side. I have vines with no leaves and just a few ripe tomatoes on them. Not sure what happened with those.
The strawberry crop was, also, pretty good but we planted some new strawberry plants in that area.

Homegrown Cucumbers Planting Evaluation
So, what did we do different this time than we have in the past? This summer I know the plants had a lot more rain and water. Usually, at this time of the year, my front lawn is totally burned out from the baking sun. As things go, my front lawn is still a nice shade of green.
There was a slight variation of planting techniques used this year. Or should I say, no planting techniques were used. What happened is the home gardener decided to plant the entire package of cucumber seeds into one large mound of dirt.
We, also, always add kitchen/yard waste to the soil to keep it in good condition.
Other, than the above, there are no differences in our growing of cucumbers from previous summers.
Ending Notes on Homegrown Cucumbers Blog
Loved having a large cucumber crop this year.
It almost makes me want to can them and make some pickles. My mother would make the best bread and butter pickles. I’ve never found anyone who could make them as good as she could. I believe she used an old Ball canning recipe book. But, alas, that booklet is long gone. So sorry, on that one FMB Readers.
Happy End of the Season Gardening to all our Gardeners!