So, another spring is upon us and, of course, all the flowers are coming up or in bloom making a perfect time for a home gardening blog.
Yes, we have been busy pulling out the weeds and mulching the flower beds around here. In the below photograph, you will see the purple azaleas starting to bloom and the row of variegated liriope. We are having a good rain right now, so all the mulch is wet.

Variegated Pieris Japonica Shrub
The next plant I’m going to talk about is the variegated Pieris Japonica growing in my garden. Previously, I blogged that it didn’t have any flowers on it this spring. But, as far as new growth goes, it is loaded with new slightly reddish new growth. So far, it is still a mystery why I didn’t have any of those lovely white bell-shaped blooms. The plant, also, looks very healthy.

This Pieris Japonica shrub has a bunch of new growth on many of the stems.
Little Rascal Holly Bushes (male) in Home Gardening Blog
Our new plantings of two Little Rascal Holly Bushes (male) came through the winter nicely. Their stems are still very purple looking. They are planted around several hosta plants.
The Little Rascal Holly bushes are behind the watering can. I use the green watering can for watering the crocks which are not shown on today’s blog.

Boxwood Trimming
Looks like I am going to have to trim my boxwood a little bit since this one is touching my house’s siding.

This boxwood near my patio needs a bit of trim to keep it neat looking.
Ending Notes from Home Gardening Blog
I absolutely love this time of the year and all the nice bloom in my home garden. Springtime is before all the heat and hot weather comes and dries out the ground to a crisp.
But for now, I’m enjoying my time out of the patio and loving all nature has to show.

Happy Springtime and don’t Forget the Horse Expo is this weekend!