I am back once again at my favorite gardening store browsing around a bit and noticed quite a bit of holiday glitter and glow. There is not much time until Christmas, so I’m doing some last minute shopping.
The garden store is full of holiday glitter and glow. The inside glittering trees near the front of the store almost looks like “fairy tale lane”. Surprisingly, the store still has a great selection of tree decorating supplies, bulbs, fresh wreaths and floral arrangements, plus other items.
Soft pink is not a traditional color for holiday trees but, somehow, it all works here. It is for that person who wants something different. Or, this would work great for a little girl or adult who loves the color pink.

Soft pink Christmas bulbs, wire trees, and Gold Leaf Gardenia lotion.
White Blooming Amaryllis Bulbs
The white amaryllis bulbs in the store have started to bloom. Each stem has about four to five huge perfect white flowers. One blub is in a white crock. The large buds of the amaryllis flower always give one something to look forward to, especially needed, in the brisk days of winter.

Stars, Pinecones, and Snow Shovels
This next display shows stars, pine cones, candles and snow shovels.
Yes, at some point we are probably going to get some snow and you better have a snow shovel. These snow shovels looks like they are made in a back saving design. I’ve spoken to “Trail Diva”, one of our faithful Readers up North, who said she has been shoveling snow for a while already.
Glitter, Glow, stars, pine cones, and snow shovels.

Ending Notes to Glitter and Glow Blog
Now is the time to get out and finish your holiday shopping.
Of course, I still need to pick up a few more gifts this late in the season. I also need to pick up a hostess gift for a party we are attending. Lastly, it is smart to wrap up a few small items to give out to the neighbors who stop by.
Remember to shop and wrap early.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
All merchandise featured on today’s blog is available for purchase at Merrifield Garden Center.
A Special Thank you & Happy Holidays to Daniel of Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to take photographs and to blog about their glittery and glowing store.
Also, thank you for the free calendar, each month’s photograph is a work of art.