Yesterday we decided to take a stroll in downtown after dark to see Herndon in lights. Although it was a freezing cold evening, we enjoyed the colorful light display.
Every year Herndon lights their holiday tree and hosts a sing-along. Unfortunately, I had other things planned and missed this yearly event.

So, our first photograph is of the holiday tree in front of Herndon’s Old Town Hall. It is a live pine tree decorated with rows of lights.
Herndon’s Little Red Caboose
I love Herndon’s little red caboose which is located near the biking/hiking trail in Old Town Herndon. Tonight it is decked out in colorful lights giving it a playful feel. I wonder if you need a “Gold Ticket” to get a ride? Just joking there as the caboose is in a stationary position. Herndon’s Red Caboose was restored and maintained by the Herndon Historical Society.

A second photo show a side view of the red caboose.
Herndon’s Red Caboose, no. 504, was originally part of the Washington & Old Dominion Rail Road system.

Herndon Depo in Lights
The Herndon Depo actually houses the Herndon Historical Society where you can see items relating to the beginning of the town of Herndon and other historical items.
I like the simple yet elegant way they decorated this historic building with a row of white lights on the roof eaves, a large green wreath on the building, and this “large holiday package” out front.

Ending Notes on Herndon’s Holiday Lights
In conclusion, we really enjoyed our walk downtown. Since it was freezing cold, the temperature was only 31 degrees outside, there were few people about taking in the holiday lights.
If you have followed Farmhouse Magic Blog, then you know I’m always a fan of holiday lights. There is something about seeing a dazzling view of a home, yard, tree or other structure, which puts a dash of joy into the holiday season.
As Always, Happy Herndon Holidays!