Our blog today is about the historic site at 781 Station Street in downtown Herndon, Virginia.
National Bank of Herndon, c. 1910
The National Bank Building of Herndon was built in 1910. The building is a light blush color and the trim and block edges are white with the date 1910 at the top. There are also two gray exterior lamps on each side of the downstairs windows.

I was admiring and photographing the building, when a gentleman came out and asked if I wanted to see an old photograph of the building.
He held a vintage post card of the bank building. Surprisingly, the building on his photograph was a natural brick red color but basically things were the same.
Old Bank Alarm

I was a little curious about the red box above the building’s door.
At first I thought it might be some type of bird or bat house but I learned it was the old alarm for the bank.
If a robbery was in progress, then the alarm would go off and alert the public and police.
After checking online, I found that the bank was sold after an employee was caught embezzling funds. The bank was unable to cover its obligations so the building was sold to Citizen’s Bank.

Ending Notes
The building was well cared for over the years and looks to be in excellent shape. The building is in the National Registry of Historic Places but it is under the name of the Graham James Building on Station Avenue.
Today the building is being used as an office building.
A Big Thank You to the Gentleman for taking the time to show me the old picture and for allowing me take photographs of the building for today’s blog.