Right now we in the middle of a heat wave with the temperatures soaring to above 90 degree F. outside.
Keeping Cool in Hot Weather
So, I decided to add a few hot-weather cooling tips along with today’s blog.
On our to-do list is a trip to Merrifield Garden Center to pick up some mulch, tomato fertilizer and something to control the garden slugs.
On the way there, because it is so hot, the traffic is much lighter. The photograph below, shows only a few cars on this road. It is near a shopping center and is always busy with cars.

Garden Center
I love the fact that this garden center has free water bottles for anyone needing a cool drink of water on this hot day. Keeping hydrated is important in hot weather.

The greenhouse part of the garden center has many fans going to keep the customers, employees and the plants cool.

Water for Pets and Service Dogs During Heat Wave
This garden center, also, puts out bowls of water for thirsty pets and service dogs on hot days.

Best of all, it is nice to roam around their fish pond and listen to the falling water.
There are also benches to sit around this cool-nook garden setting.
The pond has a lot of large Koi fish in it but today I didn’t see any fish swimming around.
Perhaps they are hiding under the water lily pads to avoid the heat?

On the way home, a cold vanilla ice cream cone hits the spot.
The only thing is to eat it as quick as possible or you will have a dripping mess to clean up.

Ending Comments on Heat Wave Blog
Today’s visit to the garden center was fun and everyone knows ice cream tastes great on a hot day. Stay hydrated and enjoy the summer sun.
Extra Hot Weather Tips
- Shut Windows and Curtains
- Take Tepid, not hot, Baths
- Use Cotton PJ’s and Sheets
- Take a Dip in the Pool
- Eat Ice Pops or Frozen Yogurt
- Stay Inside
- Get out the Water Toys, (This tip sounds like the most fun to me.)

A Special Thank You to Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to blog and to take photographs at their awesome store.