Tonight are celebrating Happy Halloween 2023.
I’m sorry that FMB has had so few postings lately, so we are going to try to make it up to our Readers with this fabulous Halloween blog.
What’s New With Happy Halloween 2023 in the Neighborhood?
So what exciting new Happy Halloween decorations are about the neighborhood this year? Well, lots of exciting new spooky lawn decorations are out for Halloween night.
The below white ghost tree is huge. Frankly, he is almost as tall as the trees in the yard. So, he’s got large black eyes and reaches his branches to the sky.

Our next photograph is a line up of hand carved orange pumpkins. At first, you think this is pretty traditional, until to check out the realistic eyes in the jack-o-lanterns. As you walk down the sidewalk, their eyes seem to follow you.

These pumpkins are hand carved but have realistic looking eyes
I believe, this skeleton in red will give a good fright once the sun goes down.

Wow, does that one blue man kind of look like Santa Claus?
Ending Notes on Happy Halloween 2023
Well, it looks like I am going to have wrap things up because it is getting a little late. At some point tonight, I will get a few trick or treaters and I want to be ready. I, also, want to make sure that I have lots of treats so that I don’t get any tricks played on me. Yes, it has been a rough week and it is only Tuesday.
I have also heard from Trail Diva, our longtime faithful reader, that large spiders and webs are popular in her part of the county. Thanks Trail Diva.

Tips for a Safe Halloween
- Check all candy at home before eating especially if you have allergies
- If your costume is all black, wear reflectors or a lighted necklace
- Avoid crossing in the middle of the street
- Never go into a stranger’s home for candy