I had some groceries delivered today.
I’ve been taking precautions regarding the food and non food items.
I took the soda out of the box and washed each can in a bleach and dish soap mixture.

Some of the non perishable items were left out side in a big plastic bin to “air out” a bit before bringing them into the house.
Everything else was wiped down with this bleach solution and placed in the refrigerator or freezer.
The CDC is now recommending cloth face masks if you have to go out shopping or to the drug store.
I don’t own any cloth surgical masks or anything like that, but I think these cloth bandannas or kerchiefs will work out fine.
It is recommended that you WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE PUTTING ON THE FACE MASK to avoid infecting yourself when you put on the face mask.

Works-In-Progress – World War II History in Apple APPS

This is a photograph of a World War II History Apple APP which is in development stage and has not been approved for sale.
The illustrations are hand drawn using simplistic lines and are action filled.
Hopefully, this history APP will be for sale soon at the Apple APP Store.