Today Farmhouse Magic Blog is blogging about the return trip from Georgetown.
At all Metro train tracks, the sidewalk is embedded with lights which begin flashing when a Metro train nears the station. This way Metro riders are alerted to step back.

This photograph shows tired feet from a Metro seat.
A few restful minutes. . .
Metro Station Unusual Art Work
At a Metro stop, I noticed this colorful donkey and elephant art work.
There was also a couple of stick figure sculptures.
See below photographs.

The two above sculptures are accented in red, white, and blue paint.

By using very basic shapes, this artist has been able to show a female figure walking her small dog.
The figures are made out of pipe like metal.
The below photograph, I believe, is also made by the same artist showing two stick figures rushing off to work.
The artist was able to capture the sense of movement with using only a few simple lines.