Today we harvested the first cucumber of the season from my garden.
This cucumber was grown from the plant with the gigantic leaves as per an earlier blog.
The soil this cucumber plant grew in, had quite a bit of kitchen compost material added to it.
This plant, also, has many yellow-orange colored flowers on it.
This one plant has three or four more smaller cucumbers on that same vine which should be ready to harvest this week.
This photograph shows a close up of my first cucumber of the season.
It measures slightly under 9 inches long and is bright green and healthy looking.
You can always tell when a cucumber if fresh. It will have those almost invisible nibs on the sides.

In conclusion, it really pays to enrich your soil with kitchen compost. Normally, most people just toss kitchen scraps out, so it will cost you nothing to try.
I’m finding my “homemade” compost is truly golden to grow healthy plants in.
Lately, I have been working some compost material in and around the blueberry bushes to see if I can perk them up a little. I would love to have more blueberries this season.
I’ll keep my Readers updated on this one.
Happy Gardening & Harvesting from Farmhouse Magic Blog.com!

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