Today’s blog is on early voting in Northern Virginia. So, what exactly is this? In my state, this means all registered voters can vote early without a reason or excuse starting September 20th. The ballots are cast directly into the voting machines.
In Virginia, voting places most likely located at the government centers, libraries, or community centers. If you are unsure, a list is posted online of the various locations. There generally is something close to where you live.
Also, there is curbside voting available for those 65 years of age or older who have a physical disability. Those individuals may vote from their vehicle.
Plus, there is mail in voting. However, with this option, you need to have faith in the postal service to deliver the ballots on time.
Early Voting in Fairfax
Let’s see, last weekend one person used the mail in voting ballot. That vote was already mailed and, hopefully, counted.
But a second person decided to try out the early voting system. They wanted to be sure their vote for the next President was cast. This is, also, the first time they voted early. But, sometimes, if work is busy, it is hard to get away to vote. This way it already done.
It was easy to find the early voting location at the local government center in Reston. Plus, there were signs along the way pointing out the location if you were lost. But the one thing you couldn’t miss, were all the small signs pushed into the earth advertising the various candidates. There were also individuals about to give you information on their various candidates if you were still unsure on which way to vote.
We pulled in and immediately found a parking spot. Sometimes, an open parking spot is a hard thing to find where I live, so luck was with us.
Things were well organized and after showing the proper identification, the vote was cast.
Ending Notes
In conclusion, voting this weekend was organized, quick and easy.
Today it is much easier to vote for your favorite candidate no matter what obstacles you have in your life.
However, early ballot results are not released, so you’ll never know who has won until election day.

Be sure to vote!
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Disclaimer: Farmhouse Magic Blog is not a political site and never recommends one candidate or political party over another.