Yesterday, It came as a complete surprise to see a Door-to-Door Electric Scooter salesperson. Every afternoon, I try to take a few minutes of my day out for a rest of my back patio. I put up my feet on another chair and push up the sun umbrella. So, this break gives me time to think about my day, make telephone calls, read and go through the mail.
Yesterday was no exception, but then I see an electric scooter zoom up my driveway. A salesman was just beyond my garden gate to sell me pest control. Although I didn’t need any pest control, it made me think of his electronic scooter and how it makes life easier for those who need to walk door-to-door to perform their sales jobs.
Frankly, in my neighborhood, we frequently get door-to-door salesmen offering anything from new windows, roofing, siding or tree removal services. And, of course, pest control for those persistent ants, gnats, or ever present mosquitoes.
More Door-to-Door Scooter Information
Years ago, my family took a two and a half hour Segway tour of the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania area. I might add, it was the perfect way to see the battle fields and other areas up close and quickly cover a lot of ground.
Now the market not only has Segways but also now hoverboards. If I understand things correctly, they are both types of light self balancing scooters with batteries.
Online, I tried to look for a white electronic scooter like the salesman drove, but see there are a lot of types and models out there for this. Some can reach about 12 miles per hour and cover up to 20 miles. The electron scooter is hands free but has a bar for knee control. I noted they even have a model for children. They have a battery which needs recharging when low.

Photograph of the electronic scooter was taken when I stood on a garden bench to see over my privacy fence so it is a bit blurry.
Ending Notes on Today’s Sales Blog
I’m thinking this is a great idea for those in sales and need to cover a great many houses in a large neighborhood.
What a great way to do this, particularly on hot, muggy summer days.
Resource Sites: Amazon sales web page