I went through the drive through of a particular restaurant and I noted they had a new summer drink which looked a little like ice tea.
I asked the lady working the drive through, twice, if the drink contained any sugar.
Both times she told me that this drink did not contain sugar so I ordered one.
I drank the whole glass and found the new drink to be very refreshing.
At home, I googled this drink on the company’s web site. Imagine my horror when I found out that the medium sized drink contained 27 GRAMS OF SUGAR and 130 calories.
Perhaps this drive through worker thought I was asking if they added sugar to this drink. Some juice is naturally very sweet and could easily have 27 grams of sugar in it. No sugar added is very different from a product containing zero grams of sugar.
However, a shocking 27 grams of sugar in this drink could cause a serious medical reaction in certain people who mistakenly drink something thinking it is sugar-free.
What I want to share here is please don’t rely on restaurant workers to give information on the sugar content of the food and drink they serve.
There could be a misunderstanding of what you are actually asking for as I think there was in my case.
Always, check the sugar gram content yourself to be safe.