I decided to do a quick blog on a do it yourself gym in the basement.
This gym takes up the entire basement floor.
The first photograph shows a couple of kettle bells which are used to build back and shoulder muscles.

The above photographs shows a stack of dumbbells and some Indian Clubs.
I think this battle rope would make a great rope for a tug-a-war game.
During a work out routine, the battle rope is actually helpful to build shoulder muscles and forearms.

This large black steel rod with a ball on the end is a mace.
So far, this is my favorite piece of DIY gym equipment.
You really need to go outside to use it, as you swing it around your head but be careful not to hit yourself since it weighs 15 pounds.
The mace looks like something an old time knight would use to save his lady.

This piece of gym equipment is called a rogue land mine. You put weights on the end of it and then you lift it up.
I enjoyed my trip to the DIY gym.
Gym suggestion, since I almost tripped on the dumbbells perhaps a holder of some type would be appropriate.
No, Farmhouse Magic Blog can definitely NOT pick up this 50 pound dumbbell.

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Trail Diva,
Thanks again for taking time to comment on the DIY gym. A jump rope is a great idea for anyone. It is easy to use and doesn’t take up gym floor space.
A jump rope might be a good addition to the gym to help build up stamina.
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