Defrost Your Turkey reminder comes with today’s blog. Yes, this morning I was down in the basement to take the turkey out of the freezer. I then placed it on a tray in the refrigerator so it wouldn’t leak on my shelves. Defrosting times are usually on the turkey packaging and it, also, depends on how many pounds your turkey weighs.
Planning Ahead
When making the Thanksgiving meal, I always try to plan ahead so things go smoothly the day of the meal. Of course, getting the turkey defrosted is only one aspect of the meal.
For years, I made the whole Thanksgiving meal the same day and it was sure tiring. However, one year my gal pal mentioned making the potatoes and stuffing the day before. That was a real awakening for me. So, now I make part of the meal ahead and warm things up.
Generally, I try to plan the menu out before hand and then go grocery shopping. For example, this year I found the store I shopped in was out of celery for stuffing and fresh cranberries. So, that necessitated a second trip to another store which thankfully had everything I wanted.

Pillsbury Safe to Eat Raw Cookie Dough
I, also, picked up a package of Pillsbury Pumpkin Cookie Dough with Cream Cheese Flavored Chunks. However, it stated on the package it is safe to eat the raw dough, or you can bake it, too.
Wow, this needs a little more research from Farmhouse Magic Blog. So, I checked Pillsbury’s web site. In certain types of cookie dough, Pillsbury uses heat treated flour and pasteurized eggs so you can safely eat it raw or baked. But it cautions, the baker should follow the manufacturer’s directions on each package of cookie dough.
One suggestion was to serve chunks of this raw Pumpkin Cookie Dough over ice cream. However, I’m going to bake my cookies for Thanksgiving. Also, I’m baking them the day before to cut down on my work the day of.
Defrost Your Turkey Blog Ending Notes
I rarely serve sweet or regular potatoes, so I’m not sure what I am making this time. I read a recent newspaper article that states you can make your Russet potatoes a day ahead and cover them with some cream or half and half. I’m going to think about that one.
To make peeling and removal of the pomegranate seeds easier, I watched an online video with suggestions. They cut a section off the top and the body of the pomegranate was cut into sections which were then hit with the back of a wooden spoon. I might try that method this year.
Well, I guess I am all ready for the big Thanksgiving dinner. I’ll keep my Readers posted with things.
Enjoy your day and Don’t Forget to Defrost Your Turkey!
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