When I picked up this morning’s mail, I noted a large crane up the street removing a large tree and thought a bit of Deforestation.
Of course, the removal of one tree on an individual property isn’t really an act of deforestation but it made me think a bit about trees and the topic.

Deforestation – Removal of Trees
Forests are cut down because there is a need for wood for furniture, building homes, making paper, etc. Deforestation happens if the land is needed for agriculture, grazing of animals, building homes or economic growth.
Large trees are also cut down if they are sick, produce too many leaves, have weak branches over homes or the tree produces too much shade.
Aspects of Deforestation
Deforestation can harm the delicate balance of the natural environment. This is a complex topic with both good and bad end results.
As mentioned previously, deforestation supports people, provides needed resources, and helps maintain a certain lifestyle.
When deforestation occurs it can, also, harm the environment. With the removal of trees, animals and insects have to find other places to live.
It degrades the soil because there are no longer leaves, seeds or insects to improve the soil’s health.
Reducing Deforestation
The obvious answer to deforestation is to plant additional trees. This sometimes happens but it take many years for a tree to mature.
One way to reduce deforestation is using less paper in your everyday life. Recycle and reuse paper and other items.
Reforestation at the Local Park
Presently, I am on a the Board of an organization, completing a very involved multi-year reforestation project.
Reforestation is an expensive undertaking and can cost thousands of dollars. It is not just planting a few seeds in the ground and then stepping back.
Initially, the park’s four acre site was evaluated and examined. Invasive species such as wineberry, Japanese stilt grass, and brush honeysuckle were removed. Then new native species trees, like oak and hickory, are planted. These trees are, well-suited for our local environment. The seedlings are then protected from deer and other animals with deer fencing.
Lastly, the new trees are monitored/photographed for their progress. Our program consists of a volunteer group leader, deer exclusion fence monitors, photo documenter, and species monitors.
Deer enclosure fencing protects the new trees. This is frequently checked and repaired as needed.
Recently, as I walked the road near the reforestation section of the park, I try to imagine the future site with mature oak and hickory trees.
Deforestation or Reforestation?
This is a complicated topic with no totally right or wrong answers.
However, we all need to protect/preserve the environment and our trees for future generations.