As time goes on, I’m trying to keep Farmhouse Magic Blog going.
I had a previous comment that Farm House Magic Blog should be called Junk Store Magic Blog.
I miss not being able to get out and give my readers blogs about those fabulous junk store items.
So, this blog deals with one of my college memories. The art class I took was actually a theory class and we didn’t do any actual art work.
We did, however, learn a lot about famous artists, history, art movements, and techniques.
After working all day, it helped that the art professor was interesting, and also young and very attractive. I took this night class with one of the nurses I worked with and we gave this guy our full attention.
I actually sat in the front row of every class. One time the professor used an example of wearing green socks. I was wearing green socks that day so I tucked my feet under my desk.
During one class, the art professor treated us to a slide show of his art work that was shown in an art gallery. We were all very excited to see what type of art work he produced.
The art professor paintings were large, over-sized canvases. His painting were done with red and black paint with bold masculine brush stokes. His paintings looked very modern.
For part of the final, the professor showed us different art slides and we had to write the type of art work it represented and the name of the artist if we knew it.
I like to think that one day that art professor might go on to become a famous artist and I can say I took his class. However, my second thought was humm. . . Teachers can change the world!
The above blog photograph is a painting entitled “Green Slide” and was done by one the technical directors at Farmhouse Magic Blog.com
Additional Note:
I’ve had some questionings regarding my blog. I’m not a computer technical person, by any means, but I can give you a few tips.
My site has been “hacked” once and it became so slow, I wasn’t able use it. I purchased a firewall which immediately solved the issue.
Also, don’t add “robot” comments to your site which redirect your readers to other sites.
I hope this helps.
Get More Toothpaste

I learned this trick from my Dad who had a brilliant mind and made every penny count.
To get an extra one to three uses from a seemly empty toothpaste tube, take a pair of scissors and cut down one side.
Even after nothing comes out of the tube, there will still be some toothpaste left in the tube.
This tip is handy if you are running low on toothpaste and are unable to get to the store.
Trail Diva,
I actually get an old garlic mesh bag and toss all the old soap silvers in and knot the top. This way I eventually use up all the small slivers of soap. I keep it in my shower.
Remember the slivers of soap all pressed together so as not to waste any soap?