For the last week or so, the weather is definitely cold and snowy with not much change. Ok, very cold, so, of course, everyone is wearing warm hats, boots and gloves to venture outside. Yesterday, the government and schools were closed. After a couple of days, things at home get a little boring and cabin fever sets in pretty quickly.
Keeping Busy
One way to beat the dullness of a stay at home day, is to keep busy with projects. So far, I’ve taken down my holiday tree and packed all the decorations away for another year. I’ve also decluttered a bit and have a few things ready for charity donations.
I’ve broken down cardboard boxes and placed them in the recycling.
I also took a brief walk in my snow covered backyard. Everything looks different in the cold and snowy environment. There are also only a few cars on the road so things are very quiet and peaceful. But quiet and the snow seems to go together.

Making Tracks
I, also, looked out my front door and saw the car’s tire tracks.

The snowplow came by a couple of times and cleaned up our street a bit. However, you can still see the tire marks and foot prints in this photo.
All up and down the fence, we noticed these animal prints. If I had to venture a guess, I would say they are rabbit prints. I noticed the hind prints are longer than forepaws. The front paw prints are also slightly staggered. Looks like that rabbit is hiding out around the garden shed.

I guess that rabbit is looking for a few mouthful of something good to eat in my snow covered garden but not sure if he found anything. My snow is probably too deep.
Ending Notes on Cold and Snowy
For now, we are waiting out the cold and snow while keeping warm and cozy. We only get a rare snow storm or two the whole winter season. Soon it will melt and the once white winter snow becomes a thing of the past.
But not to worry, after the snow is gone, we can begin to think of our summer gardens and plantings. Hum m m . . . I believe there were a couple packages of vegetable seeds already in my mailbox.
It’s Cold and Snowy, but we’re thinking of Spring!