The photographs for today’s blog were taken in the reflection garden in a local church yard.
It was a crisp day and the sky was a bright shade of blue.

There is a marble plaque underneath the angel statue stating that it was part of an Eagle Scout project back in 2004.
Also on the plaque is the wording “For the Greater Glory of God” written in Latin.
I like the photograph on the left with the sun beams lighting up the statue.
The statue looks like it made of some type of poured cement.
The reflection garden has a circular brick pathway complete with landscaping.
It would be nice if there was a bench here but I guess the homeless would be sleeping on it if they added one.

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Thank you for your comment. Your question to me is where do I get all my information. I get my information in a variety of places but most likely I’ll be checking out things on the internet. Enjoy the sun beams in your day.