Lo and behold, while reading today’s newspaper I noticed an article on the Chantilly Berry Cake. Wow, that is one of my favorite cakes! I usually specially order the cake and then pick it up from Whole Foods Markets. The golden yellow cake has tall three layers. The cake has whipped cream icing and is attractively topped with an assortment of strawberries, blue berries, and raspberries. After you slice it, you’ll noticed each icing layer is also stuffed full of fresh juicy berries. Actually, to make the cake you can never skimp on the fresh fruit.
The Chantilly Berry Cake Background
So, what I was surprised to learn, is that the Chantilly Berry Cake was created back in 2005 by Chaya Conrad while working for Whole Foods. Her new cake was so well received by customers, that it spread to Whole Food locations through the South and Southwest.
Ms. Chaya Conrad now works at the Bywater Bakery in New Orleans which she opened in 2017.
While the original cake was an all butter cake, over the years, the recipe has been changed. It now consists of butter and a neutral oil such as canola or grapeseed oil. Apparently when the writer of the article interviewed Ms. Conrad, the icing layers of her cake are as thick as the layers of cake.
The below photograph is of the actual cake. They left room at the top for the wording.

Ending Notes
At one time, I loved chocolate cake but with one bite of a delicious Chantilly Berry cake makes me a true fan. The cake is great for any type of celebration such a birthdays, anniversaries, or holiday desserts.
Interestingly, for those bakers, the recipe to make the cake is also included in the newspaper article.
The icing consists of cold cream cheese, confectioners sugar, cold mascarpone cheese, cold heavy cream and almond extract.
Yummy Cake!
Resource Site: The Washington Post, Food Section, “The Making of a Berry Big Hit” by writer Olga Massov, Sept. 20, 2023.