Home Gardening
So, another spring is upon us and, of course, all the flowers are coming up or in bloom making a …
So, another spring is upon us and, of course, all the flowers are coming up or in bloom making a …
For the last couple of years, I’ve wanted to say goodby tree roots. Let me explain, in my front yard …
So, Do Not Water is good advice for anyone with a cactus garden. As a teenager growing up in a …
This weekend at the garden store, I noticed a customer with a huge Meyer Lemon Tree. It was at least …
Wintertime Slump is something that is hard to define. It’s the kind of feeling where you don’t want to clean …
For the last week or so, the weather is definitely cold and snowy with not much change. Ok, very cold, …
Wow, my mini rake arrived this week in the mail and I was quite excited. At first, I thought it …
With winter cold upon us, Over Winterizing Planters is of interest to gardeners or anyone who has large planters. This …
Red leaf and acorns is an appropriate title for today’s blog as we talk about the cooler autumn days. The …
I feel just horrible about this confession, but one time I dug up a sweet, thorny pyracantha bush and tossed …