Today’s sunny warm day and my blooming garden are sure signs of spring-time ahead.
I was checking out the blooms and other plants on my property. Right now, my yard is full of green plants, green trees and a lush green lawn.
Yellow Tulips
I’ve had these yellow tulips under this dogwood tree for a long time.
Those mischievous squirrels, so far, are unable to dig these bulbs up to eat and I think the blubs have become entwined with the roots of this tree.
In other words, the squirrels have pretty much eaten every single bulb in my yard except for these few yellow tulips.

Bright Daffodils
Everyone loves to see a few daffodils in the yard.
Daffodils need little care and come up faithfully every year.

I have a variety of daffodils bulbs in my yard from large to very small blooms.
Variegated Liriope
My front yard has different trees, shrubs, and plants. Last year I put in the last liriope plant so my plantings are complete.

The work I’ve done over the years is now apparent, but is a garden ever complete?
Blooming Garden Blog Summary
Take time to smell the blooms, enjoy your day, and plant a tree if you can.
For your information:
Farmhouse Magic Blog Readers, I’ve been busy trying to figure how how to work with SEO, (Search Engine Optimization), to make my text more readable and easier to find on the internet to increase viewer clicks. So please bear with me as things improve.
I learn a little bit a time, then generally go back and update old postings.
So far, I have been a little shocked at some the errors which escaped my editing such as three consecutive sentences starting with the same word, not enough text, no key phrase density, and the list goes on and on.
Because we are learning at FMB, we thank you for your patience!