Yesterday we took a trip to Cabela’s which is a hunting and sporting good store located in Gainesville, VA and saw their Big Gam Display. The below photograph shows a portion of their North America Big Game Display which is the official name.
Big Game Display
Their Big Game Display is dedicated to American’s sportsmen and their conservation efforts.
According to a plaque near the display, back in 1920’s the pronghorn antelope had fallen in numbers to less than 25,000. Today there is an estimated population of 500,000 to 1,000,000 of pronghorn antelopes.
Taxes placed on sporting goods, hunting and fishing permits, and donations from conservationist groups helps provide money to preserve game.
Cabela’s large outdoor scene is located in the back of the store. It contains rocks, fallen branches, roots, and what looks like large taxidermy animals.
They have done an excellent job with this as the animals almost look alive.
Large Fish Tank
Part of the big animal display is a huge water tank teaming with live fish.
The bottom of the tank looks like a pond with logs and rocks.
It was a little bit difficult to photograph this area because everyone was enjoying the closeup view of nature.
These fish are located near the bottom of the pond display.
Ending Notes on the Big Game Display Blog
Cabela’s sells a variety of goods from hunting and fishing items, outdoor gear, boating/camping goods, footwear, dog gifts and even turkey fryers.
I went online to check their web site and I watched a video on how to make ground jerky. They used ground meat, jerky seasoning, jerky cure, and a food dehydrator. So, they have a little of everything sporting and hunting-wise.
Their store highlights the work conservation groups, sportsmen, and those who love nature, so our woodlands are protected for future generations.
I spent the morning there and enjoyed the helpful sales help. Special thanks to Karl at the back counter!
Also, a Big Thank You to the Customer Service People in Cabela’s for allowing me to take photographs of their North America Big Game Display and to blog about their store.