As I going through the mailers today, there was an odd advertisement for an Air Ambulance. Yes, the advertisement was tucked among the fliers for yard services, replacement windows and requests for donations. This is actually the first time I seen an advertisement for this type of emergency service.
I ended up going to the online website to check things out a bit more. They have some very professional videos. So, I watched a few. Apparently, what they are known for is their safety records. I liked the video that said, the care from an air ambulance is the “best moment in someone’s worst day”. How true is that?
What is an Air Ambulance?
Basically, they will air lift a person to medical care if a life-threatening medical emergency happens. It’s the kind of thing when every minute counts for your survival.
Years ago, Emergency Departments would talk about the golden hour. That’s the first 60 minutes that a sick or injured person must receive definitive treatment. It is believed that once 60 minutes are over with, the risk of death or long term complications significantly increase.
This service transports over 30,000 patients per year. It, also, flies out of 75 bases across the United States. Services include a Fly-U-Home membership, coast-to-coast, and over worldwide. It also looks like there are zero out-of-pocket costs. However, they consider distance, services provided, and insurance company coverage when coming up with the prices for services.

Ending Words
In conclusion, when someone is in an accident or has a severe medical issue, the first thing that person wants to hear the the sound of an ambulance coming to their assistance.
I guess for those who travel a lot or are near their base, an air ambulance will get you to medical care quicker with a greater chance for survival.
This is when the minutes really count.
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