I’ve spent the last week and a half doing After Christmas Cleanup. I decided to offer my faithful Readers a few tips on taking down all the mistletoe, packing away the ornaments/centerpieces, and general home cleanup maintenance.
During the holiday season, we had one overnight guest, festive meals, the house and yard decorated, with drop in visitors, etc.
So now, things need to be checked, cleaned, and stored away for next years’ merriment.
After Christmas Cleanup Tips
- Never try to do it all in one day. Take your time to sort through decorations and give away those items you no longer want or need. I actually had a couple of new plug in lanterns that I never used, which I donated to a second hand store. Also, toss out any broken items or things you will never use again.
- Of course, after holiday cleanup involves washing and ironing table napkins, table cloths and table runners. You never want a stain to set in a fabric so wash after using. I still have my New Years decorations out with one table runner, but pretty much stored away most of my Christmas decorations.
- Be sure to remove any batteries from wreaths, centerpieces or anything that is operated with batteries. I have a large sled centerpiece with batteries that I put out every year. Batteries can go bad and leak destroying the battery case.
- I go through all my holiday cards and usually keep a card or two. I can recycle, cut and paste part of the cards on holiday gift giving bags.
- If you get clothing items as gifts, go through your closet and donate anything that no longer fits. During the winter season, coats are a popular item at secondhand shops.
- Consider buying a special container to store your wreath in so that it will look nice next year and not get smashed up in storage.
- Store holiday items together in one location. OK, I’m a little weak on this item. but it makes perfect sense to me. When you do, it is easy to find what your are looking for next year.

Removing the batteries prior to storage will help keep things in working order.
Kid’s Bird Wreath Project -After Christmas Cleanup Blog
If you purchased a real pine holiday wreath, instead of composting, add dry apple slices, nuts, cranberries and suet cakes. This newly “decorated” wreath can then be placed outside as a winter food source for birds, squirrels and other wild animals.
This bird wreath project is a fun project for children to make.
Ending Comments on After Christmas Cleanup Blog
After the holiday, things can be quiet but not to worry since other holidays will be here soon.
After your Christmas Cleanup, take a break, have cup of coffee, and rest for a bit.