Looks like Farmhouse Magic Blog is back into the grand adventure of thrifting.
The photograph of this vintage flower and vase item is really quite unusual. It is a piece of Pol-O-Craft nail art work. If you look closely, you will see it is actually made of nails pounded in to a wooden plaque.
The heads of the nails are not totally pounded into the board which makes the plaque look three dimensional. The exposed nail heads were then painted different colors resembling flowers.
My research shows these pieces were probably made around the 1975 era.

The above two photographs shows a wagon made out of an old Coca Cola wooden crate. Included are four six packs of 8 ounce Coca Cola bottles from 1986.
There are a lot of vintage Coca Cola items out there but this little wagon is very cute.

Here we see beautiful Russian wooden hand painted lacquered plates. They are painted in a bright folk-art floral pattern on black.
I don’t recognize the flower type on the dishes. I guess the yellow one might be sun flowers.
This trio of plates would look nice on the wall or on a shelf. They are also light weight for hanging.

This photograph shows a vintage iron and wood fruit press.
It looks like the juice pours out at the bottom of this machine.
I’m wondering what type of fruit one would use as it looks pretty heavy duty. Perhaps it was used to make apple or pear juice?
So ends my thrifting trip.
If you have any comments or suggestions for future blogs, please feel free to leave us a reply below.
What did I buy?
I purchased this Vintage Echo A & J Pastry Blender, made in the USA. It has a wooden handle which is painted red and cream white. It was priced at $4.00.
Most of the paint on the wooden handle, however, has worn off. It probably was a greatly used and loved kitchen item. It’s perfect to make homemade pie crust.
In dating the item, I’ve seen years anywhere from 1930 to 1950. If I had to guess, I’m thinking more 1930’s to 1940’s.
Note: The pastry blender was donated to a local historic farm site’s kitchen.

Spending Money is Like a Light Switch . . .
You have to know when to turn it off and on.